A frequently asked question is what’s the difference between Dry Needling & Acupuncture?

Acupuncture falls within traditional Chinese medicine and needles are inserted along the meridian lines of the body and act as little whirlwinds of energy. Meridians are energy channels that criss cross all over the human body and acupuncture helps to rebalance the combination of physical, emotional & spiritual points. That is the reason acupuncture is used to treat so many different conditions.
Dry needling is used specifically to treat localised areas of the body that causes pain. It is based on trigger point therapy, usually painful knotted muscles in order to get them relaxed and speed up healing. Although the two types of techniques look very similar, the philosophies of practice could not be more different.
Acupuncture may benefit you if you suffer from:
- Neck pain and headaches
- Upper back pain
- Low back and buttock pain
- Shoulder pain
- Elbow and wrist pain
- Thigh and knee pain
- Calf pain or tightness
It is a safe and effective way of releasing those tight muscles which are a very common source of pain.
Please contact us on 9344 7476 or email: for more enquiries about our Acupuncture and Dry Needling.